Copyright notice

From: Alexander Novick To: Maksim Moshkow Date: 9 Nov 1998 >> I suggest you mirror a copy of V.Freed "58 1/2" from Sergey Naumov >> collection. It is worth it and won't take much effort. I was the >> one who supplied the original to Sergey with V.Freed permission. There are 2 parts to the book, all koi8 with a simple formatting. I wrote some "Preface" and Sergey Naumov (Vnuki Dadzhboga) edited it and it came out a little too short: "58 s Polovinoj ili zapiski lagernogo pridurka" by V.S. Fried, Part I and Part II In English, I believe, it would sound as: "58 and a half or the notes of a camp's dork". The manuskript was published monthly in the "Kinostsenari" magazine.
V.Freed and V.Dunski made screenplays for some of most cherished movies of the soviet period: Sluzhili dwa towarischa, Ekipazh, Zaterjannij w Sibiri and many,many more. It is not a known fact that they also made Chelovek-Amfibija which was classic many years ago. I was a personal friend of his and worked together with his son A.Fried at Adobe Systems for several years. Please let me know if you liked the book and took it in so I can spread the word.

Last-modified: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 12:31:26 GMT

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